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26 November 2010



I AM GRATEFUL, THAT WE ARE A BIG LOVING FAMILY to Support Family members that suffered a Big loss this Year!

Lydia W.

Beautiful!! I am most thankful for the blessings of family. I have 3 healthy, wonderful boys, a husband that loves me unconditionally, and a supportive extended family that I couldn't live without. Thanks for a chance to win such great products!!


I am so grateful for my 2 beautiful,adoreable,loving children who make my life worth living x

Kathy Cote

I am grateful this year for a new job and a wonderful husband who allowed me the last year and half off to recoop from the stress from moving away from our hometown. Life is good! I give thanks everyday to God!

Stine Maansen

Im grateful for my family they have been a great support this year,and I can't wait for them to open their presents!


I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, that I go to bed with a full tummy every night and that I am able to scrap.

Lee L

I am grateful that I can take time off work over the holidays to spend with my family.
Cheers, Lee :)

Kate aka stinkydudette

I'm grateful for every breathe that I take, to appreciate life and be with family and loved ones.


I'm grateful for my family and friends and being together this holiday season!

Clare Dempsey

I am grateful for my husband! Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

Mary M

I am grateful that in spite of being out of work, we have a roof over our heads and that my family was able to share a wonderful Thanksgiving meal together.


I am grateful for family, friends and a roaring fire :)

Tracy Sarra

I'm thankful for my wonderful family. :)

emily (justem)

I am grateful for my family...and wishing we lived closer to them.

Jen B

I am grateful for the easy delivery of my healthy baby boy. Just to name one. There is so much to be grateful for.


i am thankful for my family

jane shattler

i am grateful that we have snow on the ground out-side. Now my son can ride his mini ski-doo that we gave him last year for chirtmas! (didn`t get any snow last year)
also grateful for my sweet family and new found life!!!

Lara Carson

I am extremely grateful for my kids and hubby this season...and all year round...they are why I am who I am...and they make my life complete...


i am so grateful for the health and happiness of my family. you really can't put a price on that.

Vanessa Glass

I'm grateful for my family and friends!

Angela Fehr

Fantastic deal! I'm thankful for so much - we don't know how blessed we are in North America!

Heather Topich

I am grateful that my kids are happy and healthy!


I am grateful for my family and friends who are always with me.


I am grateful for all the inspiration that people across the internet have given me over the years! Thank you!

Stephanie Hart

I am grateful for my new family! This year has been a rollercoaster since the move, but loving every second of it :)

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