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10 February 2010



One person?! good think my kids don't read blogs! LOL

So instead of picking between them, I will pick my awesome hubby!

Leah the Orange

oh, i love my Dad... he's miles and miles away, and hearing his voice on the other end of the phone, and knowing he's smiling, just makes my heart a'splode.

Dana Tatar

I'm finally in a place where I can honestly say, one person I love alot is ME.

Anna B.

I don't have many friends. No, I don't repel people but I just haven't been able to connect with anyone here. It doesn't feel like home. And there's only one person who understands me & all this craziness - my husband. He lifts my spirits when I am down, makes me laugh so hard I snort & loves me for who I am. In return, I love him most :D


That's an easy one! My husband... he is wonderful, and absolutely perfect for me! I'm very lucky! :)

Erika M

Love my wonderful husband and my daughter is a close second!

Ann Cicilie

Ah, right now I'm ejoying the fresh love of my two weeks old daughter <3 <3 <3 Of course I'm madly in love with my husband and my 3 years old daughter as well, but there's just something about that fresh baby smell that makes me gaga :)


Since I have been sitting here scanning and restoring old photos I am going to go with my little sister as the one person I love a lot! I guess looking at nearly 30 year old photos makes you a bit of a sap when you now live 1200+ miles away from your sibling.

Cindy D

One person I love a lot....my husband!


There's no one I love more than my 6 1/2 year old daughter Joanna!


I can't pick between my kids either LOL. So DH gets my vote :)

christy a

Since I can only pick one {and can't choose between my girls}, I pick the hubby! Life would be so boring and hard without him by my side!

Stephanie Hart

My Awesome BF Dave!!! Moved 4hrs away to be with him in November and we are sooo happy!

On a scrappy note...he completely redid a room in the basement for my scrappy studio AND he knows what Sassafras is LOL


My husband for sure! We just got married in October, and loving every moment of it :)


These are so CUTE! Since our Valentine projects were already completed we're going to try this for an upcoming birthday party!! Thanks for the inspiration!


I love my hubs :) he puts up with me even when i am a crazy lady!


Even though we've been through the wringer together, stuck through thick and thin, and he pisses me off on a regular basis, I have to say it's my hubby who I love the most

Amy Coose

My hubby!!! (: And my kids-I know this is 3, but I can't NOT list my babes! (:

Melanie C

Definitely my hubby! (My two little boys...love them bunches too!)

rachael wood

I love my husband Lucas!

Dana Tatar

More Sass love!


Janete from Brasil

Not easy to decide, I have my husband, my kids, so I think that this time I´ll say ME !!!!!


i love my dad. he is the funniest person i know! love you dad!


i love my sister. we're 14 years apart but i can safely say she's my BFF!

Heather H.

I love my little man. He's just a delightful little boy and I love him to pieces.

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