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14 August 2009



If we order more then 1 box, will they be the same?


Thanks. So if I get box A, B and C altogether, I will get different products. How much will the shipping cost? $9.85?


Are you packing these boxes before the local sale?? I don't want to come down there only to find not much of a selection.

Angela F.

What might we exect in the boxes? Sorry if I missed it.


hiya i ordered box 3 but never heard anything

Carol (ScrapMomOf2)

If you're packing up the boxes next week, they'll be filled with what didn't sell at the local sale over the weekend?


How long before we receive the email verifying our order??? I put mine in yesterday, but haven't heard back yet. Just want to make sure my order went through:)


Just wondering if we could take a peek at what's to be included in the box?! =)


If I know Sassafras at all these will be chock full of awesome. Just ordered mine.


What a great opportunity! Loving all your products. I recently posted a layout using your stuffs if you would like to check it out here: http://staceymichaud.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-am-not-ashamed.html

Carol (ScrapMomOf2)

I still haven't received a confirmation email for my order. Will those be going out soon? Thanks!

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